Nieuws en foto's van de Nederlandse zeescheepvaart
Tewaterlating 21 december 2004

Nederlands zeeschip aan de grond gelopen

On Dec 14, 2014, at 4 p.m. the "Lady Irina" ran aground at Agtrupvig
off Kolding.

The vessel was on the way from Russia to Kolding with a cargo of
wood pellets and got stuck due to a navigational error.

After the grounding, the patrol boat "Rota" and the "Hercules" of the Naval Home Guard were dispatched to the grounding site, and staff from the naval staff boarded the ship.

The police South Jutland had not been informed about the accident as required. The ship was pulled off in the night hours and continued to harbor in Kolding, where it was berthed at the South Quay at 9.15 p.m. where the ship's hull was examined for damage. Bron

Bouwjaar: 1997, imonummer: 9137038, gt: 3322
Eigenaar: B.V. Beheermaatschappij Irina II, Delfzijl
Beheer: Wijnne Barends B.V., Delfzijl
Gebouwd: Niestern Sander B.V., Delfzijl / 902
LxBxH: 88,05 x 14,43 x 5,85 meter
Vermogen: 3346 pk, snelheid: 13,5 knoop, roepnaam: PEVE