Nieuws en foto's van de Nederlandse zeescheepvaart,
tewaterlating op 21 december 2004
Nederlands zeeschip aan de grond gelopen in de haven van Drogheda

Damage in grounding off Drogheda

The 'Arklow Valour' suffered some damage to the port side when she grounded
leaving the port of Drogheda on Dec 13, 2018

She was refloated by the Belfast based tug 'Masterman' on Dec 14 at 4 p.m.
and sailed on to Dublin but could not enter the port
until Dec 16 due to high wind and high swellcaused by the storm Deirdre

At 2.15 p.m. she docked at the Dublin General Cargo I terminal -

Bouwjaar 2017, imonummer 9772565, grt 2999
Eigenaar Avoca Shipping B.V., Rotterdam
Manager Arklow Shipping Nederland B.V., Rotterdam
Gebouwd Royal Bodewes, Hoogezand / 725
LxBxH 86.93 x 15.00 x 7.17 meter
Motor MAK 6M25 (255x400) 1740 kW, 12.5 knoop, roepsein PCFP

© Marcel van Luik